Why Get Botox? Cosmetic and Health Advantages

Botox isn’t just for celebrities – it has a lot of advantages that you might find surprising. Essentially, Botox is a medical treatment that uses a bacterium known as Clostridium botulinum, which in the right doses, could alleviate symptoms like lazy eye, wrinkles, brow furrow and even uncontrolled blinking. Here are some of the other well-known benefits of this treatment:

Alleviates Migraines

Did you know that a shot of Botox in the right spot could help alleviate or even prevent your migraine? As a matter of fact, Britain recently approved its use for this very ailment. So you might want to consider this option the next time your chronic migraine gets the best of you at work or at home.

Eye Problems

Among people suffering eye problems, many have strabismus (or being cross-eyed), blepharospasm (spasms in your eyelids) and even blurry vision. Research has shown that Botox treatments help relax the muscles in the eyes, so these problems tend to occur less frequently.

Excessive Sweating

As much as Botox can treat your eye problems by relaxing the muscles, it could also relax your sweat glands so you don’t well up too often. This is excellent for those who find themselves bothered or even feel socially awkward when all they seem to do is sweat in front of company.

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